Warriors Fan Wiki

Welcome to the Warriors Fan Wiki

An online encyclopedia of Warriors fanon (fan canon) material started on the 18th of November, 2016 with 19 pages! You can add your OCs and Fan Clans, view other's OCs and Fan Clans, give feedback in the form of comments, and roleplay! Although, please be sure to check out our rules and standard layout to make sure you make the best contributions possible.


Fannon is content created by fans that doesn't exist in the franchise. Characters you create are fannon. Clans you create are fannon. Ever heard of the term fanfiction? That's fannon because it uses things that don't actually happen in the books/ TV series.

Getting Started

If you are new to this Wiki, or Fandom in general, here are a few tips to help you get started:

Start Out Small

Maybe fix a typo here, add a line of text there... every little thing helps, especially as this is a fairly new Wiki, there are dozens of small jobs that can make a big difference!

Add An OC

You what I said about starting out small? You could just dive right in and create a page for a character you made! This would help a tonne because we are fairly short on pages. Be sure to comply with the standard layout, though!


Instead of grabbing your keyboard and making a contribution as soon as you load up this Wiki, you could browse some good, fleshed-out articles instead to see what good pages look like! Look at the slider at the top to see some mention-worthy[1] pages.

The Cannon Clans


  1. Since this Wiki is very new, the slideshow shows the most mention-worthy pages. Not all articles on it are necessarily amazing.

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